No one has any money after Christmas so forget that big night out you had planned.
If you do go out, you’re outfit is more Ski Sunday than Strictly.
Everyone’s trying to detox so that ‘cheap meal’ in replacement of the night out isn’t going to work either.
Everyone’s all shopped out, so vouchers it is.
You may have already had your birthday present. ‘It’s for Christmas AND your birthday’ is your all-time favourite phrase... not.
People might forget it’s your birthday as they’re all sad about being back at work.
You’re either still surrounded by Christmas decorations or Valentines chocolates depending on which end of the month you are. Not cute.
You have nothing to look forward to in the middle of the year. All those July babies have it best.
All the good telly has started so when you hear ‘I’d rather stay in’ you know that they’re curled up on the sofa watching Netflix.
However… it’s a great excuse to still be eating cake after Christmas!
Are we missing any vital points off the list? Or are you a January baby and disagree? Give us a tweet to @brastop and tell us!
Grace x