There are some things that us girls experience that men just won’t get. Are we right ladies?? Feel free to add anything we’ve missed in the comments below!
Hair in face and lip gloss situation
When it’s windy, you just know that your freshly made up do is going to end up like a birds nest and in your lip gloss.
Loosing food down your top
We use the term loosing quite lightly here, as it’s more like the last crumbs of the popcorn that end up down there or the biscuit crumbs – oops.
The last hairband
Whenever you need a hairband, you can never find out. When you don’t, oh hey there’s one at the bottom of your bag. Don’t even get us started on the bobby pins…
Hair and wearing glasses
If you want to get your glasses all caught up in your do then try putting them on top of your head. Not a pleasant experience.

The pony tail and the egg
When you want to wear your hair up without the fear of looking like an egg but it never happens.
Rain and humidity aren’t your friends
Sneezing just after putting your mascara on
It looks like you’ve just watched The Notebook.
Nail painting before bed
Expect the imprint of your sheets in all but one of your freshly painted nails in the morning.
Ladies, we feel your pain.
Grace x