We’re not sure about you, but Girls HBO has taught us A LOT. Being an almost mid-20 something fresh out of university, it discusses a lot of issues that are pretty relatable and with the latest series over halfway through, we thought why not share some things we’ve learnt with you? Even if you’re not within this demographic, I’m sure if/when you were you can and will relate and find it just as great as we do.

I am Woman Hear Me Roar Gif

It’s alright to have a little self-confidence from time to time.

Gotta love yourself like Kanye loves Kanye...

Marnie Song Gif

Don’t turn up at your ex’s work and break into song.

However much it sounds like a cracking idea, just don't.

Shoshanna Japan Gif

The future doesn’t always go to plan.

Shoshanna is definitely evidence of this – *spoiler* Bet she never thought she’d end up in Japan…

Emoji Text

Never send a serious text using only emoji’s

Hannah Girls Dancing Gif

Dancing solves all problems


We’ll be pretty gutted if this is the last series, but until then we still have our memes.

Grace x

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